
Went to the clothing expo

Well, last week I don't know exactly when but I went to Indie expo in Gramedia store which was held in Surabaya. I went there to get some inspirations for my clothing shop which is given the name JIM'S CLOTHING
I have got lots of inspirations from that expo, and even met a friend which was keeping the stand, so I have lots of inspirations from him. Thanks a lot for him!

2 komentar:

  1. loh. kmu waktu ni dateng pas tgl berapa. aq juga dateng ke sini loh :) tp pas tgl 6 Nov :)

  2. Waduh, aku datang tanggal berapa ya.. Bukan hari pertama kok, pokoknya antara tanggal 6 ato tanggal 7. Wkt itu seru juga kan ada skate boardnya!


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